I became interested in Vibrational/Alternative therapies because I have a son with autism who I used to take to music therapy sessions. I started to learn about other alternative therapies. I have completed Reiki 1 & 2. Colour therapy really interested me, so I decided to do a colour healing/therapy course.
So here I am, this is the next step of my journey
Bright blessings
What is colour therapy
Colour enters our lives from the moment we are born, we are born a colour.
Colour affect us on the physical, emotional and spiritual level of our lives. Colours can be linked to mood changes, yellow and orange colours may give feelings of well being, energy or excitement.
Feeling blue is used to suggest the person is sad or alone.
Green with envy, that makes us think of jealousy.
These are well known sayings using reference to colour describing a mood or a feeling. Colour vibrations can be used to release tension and restore energy. Some of the practices used in colour therapy can be traced back to the Egyptians, greeks and roman times.
Colour therapy is based on wavelengths and vibrations, the electro-magnectic spectrum is a spectrum of visible and invisible colours.
Modern medicine uses the invisible vibrations which are at each side of the spectrum. These are called cosmic rays, gamma rays x-rays also infa-red and radio-waves .
We can only see 40% of the spectrum, it comes to earth through vibrations contained in a white light. These are the 7 colours of the rainbow red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Each colour has a different vibration or wavelength, this means each colour affects our bodies differently .
Colour can be seen as a bridge to the visible and invisible worlds, because it is linked to our subconscious minds. Colour healing can be used with aroma-therapy, music-therapy and most other complimentary therapies.
Colour healing should never be used as a replacement for any ongoing serious medical treatments
Colour and Meaning
The word chakras means wheel Sanskrit are points of energy along our spine Ancient Hindus believed there to be 7 energy wheels of different colours moving in a clockwise direction it is vital to our health and well being for all our 7 chakras to remain free flowing and open.
The base or root chakra is located at the base of the spine the colour for this chakra is bright red our root chakra connects us to our physical strength and courage we feel grounded and know our life's purpose.
The Sacral-centre
The sacral-centre is located between the pubis and the naval the colour for this chakra is orange the sacral-centre connects us to our health,sexuality and loving relationships with others.
The Solar-Plexus
The solar-plexus is under the diaphragm the colour for this chakra is yellow the solar-plexus connects us to our mental and intelluctual abilities also the confidence we have in ourselves.
The Heart
The heart chakra is located on the right side of your heart the colour for this chakra is green the heart chakra connects us to our loving relationships ,balance and harmony in our life.
The Throat
The colour for the throat chakra is blue it connects us to our ability to verbalize to voice our opinions,likes ,dislike and beliefs.
The Brow/Third eye
The brow chakra /third eye is located in the middle of your forehead the colour for this chakra is indigo the brow /third eye chakra connects us to our intuition,trust,knowledge and wisdom.
The Crown
The crown chakra is located at the top of your head the colour for the chakra is violet the crown chakra connects us to the universe calms our nervous system for peace and harmony.
Chakra Meditation
Violet -Om
Indigo- ksham
Blue- HAM
Green- YAM
yellow- RAM
Red- LAM
Colour healing with candles
The colour is determined by what type of healing is needed the candle should be cleansed and blessed.
This is called dressing the candle olive oil can be rubbed from the bottom to the top the candle this is symbolic to bring the colour out of the candle to be released into the atmosphere.
If you prefer not to use oil praying or using an affirmation will be just as effective, do not use the same candle for different things any type of candle can be used keep your intentions positive
You can use different shapes for colour healing with candles
When putting out the flame of the candle do so with strong intentions to lock in the healing the flame should not be blown out use a small cup or a candle diffuser this should be done because air and Fire are both creative forces and one should not be used to put out another.
Colour Affirmation
Colour Affirmations are sentences we can repeat daily using the colours we need and breathing them into our bodies to help us focus on minds and heal our bodies best time for saying your colour affirmations is when you wake up and before you go to sleep.
Colour Breathing
Colour Breathing is when we use the power of thought vibrations with colour this has a positive effect on our etheric bodies, Breathing in light or a colour and breathing out negativity from our minds have been proven to balance healing and wellbeing
Colour Meditation
When you use Colour in meditation it helps you stay focused and will still your mind which will help you relax colour breathing and cleansing your chakras visualising colour can be used for empowerment relaxation and healing.
Foods & Colour
When we prepare our foods our vibrations can also affect it's appearance.
Food prepared lovingly will be wholesome and keep all it's goodness.
Foods of different colours keep our bodies balanced and healthy.
Junk foods or processed foods are not good for our bodies microwaving foods removes the colour energy.
Red food will give us energy and will heal tiredness.
Orange foods make us feel positive and will heal grief and disappointments.
Yellow foods are for happiness and will heal depression.
Green foods will give us strength and heals panic or fear.
Blue foods relaxes and heals anxiety.
Indigo foods are for structure and heals in security.
Purple foods are for leadership and heals emotional and erratic behaviour.
Recommended Donations for all therapies are £50 per hour.
Colour advice will help you choose the colours to empower you in your life
What to wear
Decorating your home
Foods to eat
Please feel free to contact me.